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Stergios Katichoritis
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Born in Lamia, studied at the 5th High School of Athens and then at the Polytechnic School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in the Department of Architectural Engineering.
He holds a PhD in Sociology from Panteion University of Athens. He has served as Prefect of Achaia (1993-94).
He worked as a freelance Architect Engineer with Architectural projects and supervision, urban planning studies, constructions, theoretical projects and painting.
He has specialized in urban planning issues. He was the President and CEO of the public technical design and construction company “STERKAT” SA. He has prepared studies of several Public and Private technical projects.
His works have been published in journals and the daily press. He writes articles in magazines and newspapers and takes part in Architectural Competitions, where he is distinguished.
Elected Member of the Management of PEDMEDE (Contractors of Public Works Engineers), Vice President of the “Union of Roumeliotes global “, member of the Board. of the Association “Eastern Romilia”, member of AHEPA Hellas.
He is a Member of the Greek Association for Atlantic & European Cooperation.